Well it's fall in the Hollis house hold, hunting season has begun!
James has really gotten into archery hunting in the past few years and this year he decided he would try out his climbing tree stand. I don't know who is more nervouse about him climbing 25 feet in the air. He attempted to practice using it when we were camping to get more comfortable...
We camped a lot in the month of August! Braelyn and Daddy's favorite acitivity while camping is napping.
2 Months Old!
I can't belive how fast the past two months have gone. I returned to work after a 7 week maternity leave. Probably the hardest thing YET! The first week back Braelyn stayed with James. I think it was really good for James to have that time with her. When I got home after James' second day he said "you really learn a lot about this little girl in two days!" I had to laugh. I think they had a good bonding experience.
Braelyn has started really noticing things around her now. She moves he head from side to side and follows things around the room now. She really likes watching the celine fan too.
James took her for her 2 month check up and her firts shots. I think it was much harder on me than on her and I am glad I wasn't the one that had to take her. James said she did awesome and hardly cried at all. She weighed 9.13lbs and is now 22 inchs long. I can't belive how big she is getting!
Braelyn really likes:
Her activity gym
Camping (slept 5 hrs straight for the first time)
Singing with Daddy...lots of cooing going on these days
Riding around in the the ergo baby carrier
Braelyn dislikes:
The car seat... if it's not moving she's not happy!
The pacifier, so we gave up on those. I am not too sad about it though.
Going to sleep, she has learned how to fight going down for naps.
We are having so much fun with her. We all ready can't remember what life was like without her.