Sunday, May 6, 2012


How far along? 29 weeks 7 days
Total weight gain: No idea, but I was just reading I should be gaining about 1 pound ever week from this point on...OH BOY!
Maternity clothes:  Of course, in my pic this week I finally got a chance to wear a cute maternity dress my mom found me! Think I am going to like the few sun dresses I've picked up for the summer, super comfortable.
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: eh, so, so.
Best moment of the week? Well, I have been buying lots of CUTE stuff and these great consignment sales and yard sales and I put the tiny little shoes I have picked up in the closet and well...I counted 10 PAIR this week. I told James and his response was "SHE DOESN'T EVEN NEED SHOES" hahahahaha! He has no IDEA!!
Movement: I think I felt her have the hiccups for the first time. I wasn't sure what I was feeling but then later I was reading at this stage she is practicing "breathing" and that it can cause hiccups and that they feel like a series of small twitches which is exactly what it felt like!?!?
Food cravings: I can still eat anything I want, been craving watermelon but still too darn expensive!
Anything making you queasy or sick: The smell of burnt pop corn (thanks James) He "slightly" burnt his popcorn snack last night and until I took the trash out and cleaned the microwave I couldn't get rid of the smell! YUCK.
Have you started to show yet: Still getting the response, "your way to small for 7 months".  A patient said to me well you might just get huge all at once! Gosh lets hope not!
Labor Signs: none
Symptoms: Heart burn, and some other "things" have started to happen, just my body getting ready for this little girl, or so I'm reading.
Belly Button in or out? Still bordering on becoming flat.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: This questions makes me laugh today because I just got done reading in the Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy, that even if you don't think your acting CRAZY, you ARE...haha, sorry James!
Looking forward to: Baby showers!! Counting down till our trip to AZ and my shower here in ID!!

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